

"Being a former professional ballet dancer I have experienced the impact of Pilates training for dancers throughout my career. Now that I am a ballet teacher I recommend Pilates to all of my students. The improvement I see in posture, strength, and balance is remarkable."

- Lisa (New Paltz)


"Elaine, Elise, and the staff at Pilates of New Paltz are wonderful instructors-supportive, knowledgeable, and delightful. I’ve been coming for 10 years and it’s a bright spot in every week."
- Agnes (New Paltz)


"Pilates feels like an integral part of my life at every stage. I t helped me balance things out when carrying a heavy infant challenged my lover back. Pilates optimized y core during my second pregnancy. Pilates helps me strengthen my uscles habituated to computer posture. And being able to age into this next phase of life with Pilates stretches and exercises feels like the greatest, empowering gift I can offer my baby. Thank you Pilates of New Paltz!"
- Erika, New Paltz


"I joined Pilates in March of 2011 and there has been no turning back!! I take three various classes a week and Love, Love, Love it. Pilates of New Paltz is a clean, comfortable environment to work out in with, I believe, the best Pilates instructors in the area. They are fastidious in providing a good, SAFE workout with proper form. There’s nothing like it, and if you are injured you need to come and let them rehabilitate you by strengthening your core and teaching you how to use it in everyday living. The best benefit…my body is transformed!!!"
- Deanna, Stone Ridge


"From the time I was a little girl, I was always a "sporty model". I played many team and individual sports both recreationally and competitively, excelling in ultra-endurance events. It started with swimming, later cross-country skiing, but truly took off in mountain bike racing. By my late 40's I as competing at the National and World level in three disciplines on the bike-and winning many titles.

There was a price to pay: as the abuse to my body piled on I had to stop after 15 years. Then I discovered my salvation…PILATES! I've been a regular for probably a dozen years now. Addicted would be more accurate, working out at least once a week. I love working with different instructors(Pilates of New Paltz has 4 amazing instructors). My body and mind responds best to the variety. I started and stayed with Pilates of New Paltz throughout. Elise maintains a consistent professionalism that made all the difference. I feel that I get what I need (to keep my body strong, balanced, and moving) each time-always an improvement.
At this point, I have to modify and adapt many of the moves to accommodate my frame's limitations. It's never a problem: No judgement, no pain, always handled with respect. I feel better after EVERY SESSION. Thanks Elise, Elaine, and all who have given me such tender care!"
- Regards, Kathy (Gardiner)



"I came to Pilates of New Paltz to improve my osteoporosis and to help with stabilizing my pelvic floor. Both of those issues have improved and I feel great!"
Mary (New Paltz)

Pilates Benefits

  • More aligned and supported posture
  • Increased flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Development of core strength and stability
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Relief from joint pain
  • A phenomenal sense of well being!