Fitness Instruction

Fitness Instruction:  At Pilates of New Paltz we deliver a full body workout using the Pilates Method of physical conditioning.  Sessions are tailored to provide a program that is not only therapeutic but also strives for the ultimate in human movement potential.  Beyond simply giving a laundry list of exercises, we teach dynamic alignment and the use of core strength to provide a solid foundation for a healthy, balanced, and beautifully aligned musculature.  Participants leave feeling energized, refreshed, strong, and centered.


"I always look forward to my Pilates class, even though I have been coming here for more than fifteen years. My Pilates class strengthens and energizes me for the entire day."
Stella (Tillson)

Pilates Benefits

  • More aligned and supported posture
  • Increased flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Development of core strength and stability
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Relief from joint pain
  • A phenomenal sense of well being!